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RCA - Radio città aperta

Selezioni musicali

Scaletta e Podcast Mercoledì Morning 12-9-2018

Scaletta e Podcast Mercoledì Morning 12-9-2018

Trasmissione condotta da Gianluca Polverari

Alexis taylor “roll on blank tapes”
Gang gang dance “shake dub”
Furry things “between games”
Anna calvi “hunter”
Pere ubu “modern dance”
Pere ubu “walking away”
Echo & the bunnymen “the killing moon (2018)”
Intervista “ Terramatta Music Fest – Official Event
Her Pillow “johnny hardly knew ya”
Nour eddine “jahjuka”
Date at Midnight “lights off/lights on”
Beach house “drink in la”
Cocteau twins “oil of angels”
Dead can dance “American dreaming”
Mercury rev “opus 40”
Herself (Gioele Valenti) “another Christian”
Emilio Stella “la gattara”
The cure “lovecats”
Presence “tomorrow”
Richard Ashcroft “a song for the lovers”
Franco battiato “la cura”
Pubblicato il: 12/09/2018 da Gianluca Polverari